General Surgery or Drop Off Consent Form

If your cat is coming to us for a surgery or is staying with us for a long period of time without your presence, please complete this form. Filling out this form prior to your arrival will allow for a quick and easy drop off!



Which practice would you like to register with?

I, being the owner or authorized agent, hereby authorize Pacific Cat Clinic, Dr. Helen Bell or other authorized veterinarian to perform and provide all necessary hospital services, drugs and medical supplies as are reasonably required in the treatment of my cat. I understand that there is some risk involved during medical, surgical and anesthetic procedures. I agree to be responsible to pay all of the reasonable and appropriate charges for these services at the time of discharge.



If my cat develops unexpected complications and other emergency procedures are necessary above and beyond the initial procedure discussed, I understand that Pacific Cat Clinic will try to contact me. In the event that I am unreachable and the procedure cannot be safely delayed, I choose the following: *

If a flea is found on my pet during its stay at the clinic, they will be administered a CAPSTAR tablet at my expense. *
Please verify that you are human *